Creating a New Drupal View


Create a new Drupal View display selected content.


Prerequisites / Minimum Requirements

  • Access to Drupal 
  • Permissions to create views on Drupal. 

End State / Outcome

  • A view is created to display selected content. 
  • Drupal and its pages are behaving as expected. 

How to Steps


Creating a New Drupal View


1.  Log into Drupal at



2.  To create a new view, click the Structure link and click Views, which will bring you to the Views overview page.


3.  Click the link add new view, found just above the list of views. The link takes you to a page where you can set the most common and important settings for a view (see screenshot) without having to interact with the rather scary page containing all the view settings. 



The quick wizard for adding a view allows you to create a view through the following steps: 

  1.  Give your view a view name, an administrative name not visible to end users. Based on this, Views will also suggest a machine name – which cannot be changed once saved.
  2. Check the description box to provide your view with a short administrative description, explaining what it does or where it is used. Best practice dictates that each view should have a description.
  3. Select what kind of site data should be displayed in the setting starting with show – for example users, files, or content (nodes). If you select nodes, you may also limit the view to display only certain content types, or nodes marked with selected taxonomy terms.
  4. Finally, you can also select how the view should be sorted. Note that the type of data listed, the first choice on this row, cannot be changed once the view is created.
  5. The option Create a page provides you with a page of listed results. If you check this option, you will get a few more options, such as which path the page should be available at and if it should have a menu link. You also get to choose how the data should be formatted. The default is a teaser list like the default front page. 
  6. The option Create a block provides you with a block containing the list results. This block can then be placed in a region, just as other blocks on the site. Further options include specifying the formatting of the results, as well as the number of results to display. (Note that you can have results provided as both a page and a block!)
  7. The button save & exit completes the configuration and redirects you to the page that you have set up for the view. The button continue & edit brings you to the full configuration panel for the view, where the real fun starts. 
  8. The most common data to list with Views is content (nodes), which explains why this option has more options and settings than other data types. Nodes are, however, far from the only data type with great use cases in Views


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Article ID: 372
Tue 12/12/23 3:37 PM
Mon 5/13/24 2:51 PM

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