OSX Install an application from an Unknown Developer


These are the security changes you must make in Security Settings to install and run an unknown developers application in MacOSX.


Prerequisites / Minimum Requirements

  • MacOS (Yosemite or later) and a MacOS compatible application

End State / Outcome

  • You will end up with a fully functional and running application.

How to Steps


OSX Install an application from an Unknown Developer

These are the security changes you must make in Security Settings to install and run an unknown developers application in MacOSX.


1.  Before you attempt to install the desired application go to System Preferences>Security & Privacy.

2.  In the General tab click the lock icon in the bottom left of the Security pane and type in an Administrator UN/PW.


3.  Once you have unlocked the Security pane to make changes navigate to Allow apps downloaded from: and select App Store and identified developers.

4.  Find the desired application you want to install and run it.

5.  If the application is not identified by apple you will have to go back to Security & Privacy and click Allow.

6.  After the developer is allowed you can now successfully run the software.






Article ID: 378
Tue 12/12/23 3:37 PM
Fri 2/7/25 11:08 AM