Uninstalling ExamSoft


Following these steps will completely uninstall ExamSoft.


Prerequisites / Minimum Requirements

  • Administrative rights to the computer.

End State / Outcome

  • The Examplify application has been uninstalled, and all directories have been removed.

How to Steps

Uninstall for Windows
  1. Go to Programs and Features, find Examplify, and uninstall it.
  2. Delete these directories
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Examsoft
  • C:\ProgramData\Examplify
  • C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\.adata
  • C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\.adata-Examplify
  • C:\Users\Public\Pblic Documents\ESConfig.json
  1. Reboot PC.


Uninstall for macOS

  1. Set finder to show hidden files (press Shift + Command + period to toggle on)
  • In Mac OS X El Capitan and before (10.11) hidden files are shown via the terminal; follow these instructions https://ianlunn.co.uk/articles/quicklyshowhide-hidden-files-mac-os-x-mavericks/
  1. Delete these directories:
  • /.adata
  • /.adata-Examplify
  • /Applications/Examplify.app
  • /Library/Application Support/Examplify
  • /Users/Shared/ESConfig.json
  • /Users/Shared/.adata-examplify
  • /Users/Shared/.bdata-examplify
  1. Set finder not to show hidden files (press Shift + Command + period again or reverse the previous command)
  2. Reboot.

 Further Resources:



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Article ID: 39
Wed 10/11/23 10:41 AM
Sat 5/18/24 9:00 AM