Respondus - Login Popup Message


This article provides the procedure for students who may experience problems while taking a Respondus Exam. A popup with a Please Log In message appears and locks up the computer.


Common Signs or Symptoms:

  • A pop up with a Please Log In message appears and locks up the computer while taking an online test with Respondus Lockdown Browser.

Possible Causes or Triggers:

  • The Please log in message is coming from Instructure / Canvas, or BlueLine, because the student was also logged into Canvas with a standard browser hidden behind the secure browser window.

Troubleshooting Steps:

During an active exam with the secure browser, Canvas/ BlueLine (or a network login) does not detect any activity in the underlying standard browser, which results in an idle timeout and it disconnects with a prompt to Log back in. By moving to another computer, they likely started LockDown Browser only to continue the exam.

 For Canvas/BlueLine with manual launch, it is important for students to:

  1.        Close all standard browsers (and other apps that might be connecting to Canvas/BlueLine).
  2.        Then start Respondus LockDown Browser only.
  3.        Then log into Canvas/BlueLine.

Student Recommendations:

After logging into Canvas, students should:

  •        Wait until the Canvas home page fully loads (no spinning circle in the browser tab), and then navigate to the course.
  •        Wait until the course home page fully loads (no spinning circle in the browser tab), and then go to the Quizzes or Modules area to start the direct link to the exam with Requires Respondus LockDown Browser in the quiz title.

Students should not use any shortcut or notifications link on the Canvas home page or course home page.



Article ID: 47
Wed 10/11/23 10:41 AM
Wed 10/11/23 2:37 PM

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This is intended for persons installing on their personal computers for use at Creighton University. Creighton owned computers use a separate process.