How to create a new or custom Outlook rule in Outlook 2016


How to create a new or custom Outlook rule in Outlook 2016.


Prerequisites / Minimum Requirements

  • Outlook

End State / Outcome

  • Rules that help separate your incoming email.

How to Steps


How to create a new or custom Outlook rule in Outlook 2016

To create a rule:

1.     Click on the File

2.     Select Manage Rules & Alerts.

3.     Click on New Rule in the E-Mail Rules tab found in the Rules and Alerts pop up window.

4.     Select an option in the Start from a blank rule section, then choose either "Apply rule on messages I receive" or "Apply rule on messages I send."

5.     Click Next.

6.     Choose conditions that messages must meet in regard to the rule under Step 1: Select condition(s).

7.     Specify the value of any underlined condition for the rule under Step 2: Edit the rule description.

8.     Click Next.

9.     Choose what you want to do with the message under Step 1: Select Action(s).

10.  Define the value of underlined actions under Step 2: Edit the rule description.

11.  Click Next.

12.  Choose to add exceptions to the drafted rule under Step 1: Select exception(s).

13.  Fill any underlined values under Step 2: Edit the rule description.

14.  Click Next.

15.  Enter a name for the new rule in the Finish Rule Setup

16.  Select or deselect setup rule options to run the rule on existing messages, activate or deactivate the rule, or apply the rule to all accounts.

17.  Click Finish.




Article ID: 474
Mon 2/19/24 3:15 PM
Tue 2/4/25 1:22 PM