What is the Standard Classroom Technology Package?


The Division of IT Learning Environments team strives to maintain a standardized technology package across all supported classrooms.



The Division of IT Learning Environments team strives to maintain a standardized technology package across all supported classrooms. Our goal is for faculty, staff, and students to learn the classroom audio/video system quickly and instantly feel comfortable with the available equipment and controls in any IT supported classroom.

Every Division of IT supported standard classroom includes:

  • Data projector and appropriately sized screen
  • Control system allowing operation of projector's power, sources, and sound system volume.
  • Sound system appropriate for the room size and requirements 
  • Lecture capture equipment for BlueCast and Zoom.
  • Instructor Podium consisting of:
    • Small form factor computer with Windows 10 Enterprise. 
    • Connections for a Laptop (HDMI with digital AV adapters)
    • Appropriate switching and scaling equipment operated by control system
  • Phone for contacting the Classroom Support hotline

Specific rooms may have specific equipment requirements so available equipment can vary from room to room, however every room will have what is listed above.



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Article ID: 540
Fri 3/15/24 4:42 PM
Mon 3/18/24 11:57 AM