ABC Signup - Registration System for Paid Events


Use ABC Signup Registration if you will be charging for events.



The registration system recommended for paid events is ABC Signup:


  • You can create and manage online registration for multiple classes and other events.
  • You can automate tasks such as sending invitations, delivering confirmation emails, and managing waiting lists.
  • Your registrants can pay with either a credit card or Paypal.
  • Reports can be generated with information collected from your event registrants. 
  • The cost to use ABC Signup will be collected from each department on a quarterly basis via the telephone billing system.
  • Proceeds from your events are routed to the main University account, from which they are distributed based on the Fund/Org/Account codes you provide.
  • Refunds are handled through ABC. 


  • To cover the annual cost of the system, we are currently charging $1.85 per registration that goes through the system.  The $1.85 is currently charged back to your department on a quarterly schedule.
  • Additionally, credit card payments submitted will incur a roughly 2.5% fee. 
  • The credit card fee is taken directly from the proceeds, so you will receive 97.5% of the fee you are charging for the event. We recommend building these fees into the cost of your events so your bottom line won't be impacted.
  • If you choose to accept Cash or Check, you will have to determine how best to acquire payment from your customer.
  • The charges covers the storage of your data, back up, redundant sites, application upgrades, training and support via a service level agreement.

NOTE:  EventBrite can be used for paid events, but is not recommended because EventBrite events are not integrated with our Banner Financial Systems to record your transactions.

To begin to use ABC Signup, contact the Web Team with the following information:

  1. Department name
  2. Primary contact name
  3. Primary contact's email address
  4. Primary contact's phone number
  5. Basic description of the event(s) to be created

Basic Instructions for ABC Signup

Logging In

Go to and select Customer Login in the upper right-hand corner. Use the credentials provided to you by the webteam. If you have forgotten your credentials, please contact the webteam at

Event Codes

  • The first 16 characters will contain your Banner Fund number, Banner Organization number and Banner Account number.
  • The next nine characters will be MMDDYY### where MMDDYY is the date of the event and ### is a sequential number for that day.
  • If you have more than one event that day, just increment the number- for example: 001 to 002. This provides Banner information and a unique number to identify the transaction.

Here is an example of an “Event Code”: 1110002220003333070911001









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Article ID: 552
Wed 3/20/24 4:22 PM
Wed 3/20/24 4:24 PM

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