Installing FacultyStaffSecure Print Driver on a Creighton MacOS Device


This article will explain how to install the FacultyStaffSecure printing driver on any Creighton-owned MacOS device.


How to Steps

1. Open the Launchpad from the Dock, which is located at the bottom of your screen. 

2. Click the SelfService Application.

3. Within the SelfService Application, under the Browse tab, click Printers.

4. Click Install under Fac/Staff Printer.

5. Let this process run, it may take up to five minutes. You will know it is complete when the Install button is replaced with Reinstall.

6. You are now setup to print using the FacultyStaffSecure option with your MacOS device.


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Article ID: 834
Tue 9/17/24 8:21 PM
Wed 9/18/24 5:18 PM

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