What is Bloomberg Terminal Software/Hardware and Where is it Located

Tags Bloomberg


A Bloomberg terminal is a computer system that allows investors to access the Bloomberg data service, which provides real-time global financial data, news feeds, and messages. Investors can also use the Bloomberg trading system to facilitate the placement of financial transactions, such as stock and options trades.

At the time of this document the only location for student access to Bloomberg Terminals is the Investment Center in the Harper building, room 2066.  Access to the Investment Center is restricted to HCoB faculty, HCoB staff, and selected HCoB students to preserve access to these specialized terminals. If a non-HCoB user, or non-HCoB student would like access, they need approval of the Finance Department chair.


Bloomberg software runs on Windows 10 or Windows 11.  Creighton uses the standard lab (not classroom, so users can log in as themselves) image.  The software can be freely downloaded from https://www.bloomberg.com/professional/support/software-updates/ and requires administrative rights to install.  In addition to downloading the Bloomberg Terminal software, also download and install the Bloomberg Office Tools.  The Office Tools allows Bloomberg to connect with Excel.

Once you have installed the software, note the Bloomberg Terminal serial number located on the sticker on the computer.  Contact Bloomberg Support and state that you are reinstalling the software on a computer, and their support personnel will walk you through how to re-license the new installation.

To use the Bloomberg Terminal software, you will need a Bloomberg account.  These accounts are free for Creighton faculty, staff, and students.  To obtain an account, log into a Bloomberg computer, start the Bloomberg Terminal software, and at the login prompt follow the links to create a new account.  Please note that you must login every thirty days to keep your account active.

Note: Bloomberg Terminal software disables Windows Remote Desktop and every other remote assistance tool.  This is to prevent users from remoting to a computer to use their software.


As part of the Heider College of Business license, Bloomberg provides dual 24” monitors on a proprietary stand and a special keyboard.  Should there be a hardware issue with a monitor or keyboard, contact Bloomberg Support and give them the serial number of the Bloomberg Terminal and they will authorize a repair.

The computers used for Bloomberg are Lenovo Tiny systems at this time.  Some are running Windows 10 or Windows 11.  All enterprise software, such as Ivanti and SentinelOne, are installed on these computers.  The computers are named COBA-BLMBERGxxD where xx is the computer number, 01 through 10.

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Article ID: 195
Tue 11/7/23 9:32 AM
Wed 11/15/23 10:42 AM

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