Why Does CU Alert Contact me So Many Times?


Why Does CU Alert Contact me So Many Times

CU Alert (also known as CreightonAlert) – Why does CU Alert contact me so many times.

This document describes why CU Alert calls, texts, and emails me so many times.


CU Alert is the University’s emergency notification system. It is critically important that all contact information is kept up to date. The University will only use this system when an emergency situation warrants. Creighton’s Public Safety office is the source of all CU Alert messages.


CU Alert is designed to alert participants as quickly as possible. The mechanism used by CU Alert to ensure the greatest chance of you receiving an alert are:


CU Alert will send an alert to you as a text message first. If you acknowledge receipt of the text message with a minute of receipt, all further alerts will stop.


If acknowledgment of receipt is not received within a minute, CU Alert will go to a phone call if a phone number is available. Once the phone call is placed it will wait one minute for an acknowledgement of receipt, if an acknowledgement is received all further alerts will stop.


The CU Alert system will continue to send alerts to email, alternate text, alternate phone, and alternate email address, pausing one minute in between each attempted notification.


If CU Alert goes through all available notification methods for each person, it will pause for three minutes and start the notification process all over again. This process will continue until an acknowledgement of receipt is received or the system tries all contact methods three time.


In order to prevent CU Alert from sending numerous alerts, the recipient must acknowledge receipt of an alert. As soon as the first acknowledgement is received all further attempts to notify you will end.


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Article ID: 392
Wed 12/20/23 9:26 AM
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