KBA 937 - Campus Labs Survey

How to Steps


Campus Labs Survey

Campus Labs Course Evaluations is an online platform for student evaluation of courses. The system was originally a partnership between Campus Labs and IDEA. We moved to Campus Labs in 2015 due to the need of online capabilities for the IDEA survey used by SPAHP and the College of Arts and Sciences. Campus labs provides three versions of the IDEA surveys and the option for a program/school/college to create their own surveys.


End of course evaluations are set up at least twice a semester and several times during summer sessions, always following calendars from the Registrar’s office. Students are asked to complete the surveys in a timespan at the end of their courses. Colleges and Schools set the time for the surveys, but they usually occur within the last 2 – 3 weeks of the course.

·        Everyone on Campus (student/faculty/staff) login with the single sign-in.

·        Currently, the following use Campus Labs for end of course evaluations:

o   IDEA Surveys:

§  College of Arts and Sciences

§  College of Professional Studies

§  College of Nursing

§  Graduate School – Interdisciplinary Department

§  Heider College of Business

§  School of LAW

§  School of Pharmacy and Health Professions – OT and PT


o   Own Survey Questions:

§  EMS Graduate program

§  School of Dentistry (In fall 2020 tested a different program. Not sure what they will do this spring)

§  School of Pharmacy and Health Professions – Pharmacy


·     Contact point: SARAH M. OLIVER > 402.280.3906 (Department: Teaching & Learning Center)

Further Resources: https://courseevaluationsupport.campuslabs.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038347493-About-IDEA

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Article ID: 496
Mon 2/19/24 3:55 PM
Tue 2/20/24 3:21 PM