Locating and Using Files for GatherContent in SharePoint

How to Steps

The my.creighton SharePoint site is your hub for storing, managing, and accessing all documents that will be used within your department pages on the my.creighton Intranet site.  The purpose of this SharePoint site is to have a single source of truth for file storage, as well as a collective process for linking to those files within GatherContent. Having a single source of truth for all files/documents, etc. will ensure:

  •  Everyone accesses the same, most recent version of a document.
  • Updates made to documents will be updated in all the linked instances of that document.
  • Less time spent searching for documents and duplicating work on various versions of the same document.
  • Better resource management, reducing the need for extensive storage allocations spread across multiple locations.

To access the File Management and Document Storage Guidelines in SharePoint:

  1. Go to myCreighton Intranet Files on SharePoint.
  • Learn how to manage your files, documents, and links.
  • Locate your folder in the library.
  • Use SharePoint to always have a single source of truth for your files,documents, and links!
  1. Once you are on the myCreighton Intranet Files SharePoint site,you will see 2 options:



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Article ID: 595
Wed 4/24/24 3:31 PM
Thu 8/8/24 3:59 PM

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