Acquiring and Installing Adobe Acrobat Pro


Requesting and installing Adobe Acrobat Pro.


Prerequisites / Minimum Requirements

  • End user is a faculty or staff of Creighton University.
  • End user is using a CU owned device.
  • Service request ticket includes end users name, netid and computer name for installation.

End State / Outcome

  • End user obtained a quote if needed from Strategic Sourcing.
  • Adobe Acrobat was purchased from Connection through CUBuyPlus.
  • Service request is created in the ticketing system and purchase is confirmed in Asset Management Sharepoint site by Technology Lifecycle Management team.

How to Steps


I need an Adobe Acrobat Pro License

Process of acquiring and installation of Adobe Acrobat Pro:

  1. Log in to the ticketing system to create a Service Request ticket to validate Adobe Acrobat Pro license by Technology Lifecycle Manager.
  2. Strategic Sourcing will obtain quote and provide to end user.
  3. End user will process order with the BSC through CUBuyPlus.
  4. Technology Lifecycle team will confirm purchase in the service request and assign service request to CSA.
  5. Technology Lifecycle team will record the purchase in the Sharepoint site.
  7. Click on new item.
  8. Sharepoint site requires – order number, order date, PO number including users name, win serial number and mac serial number (copy win & mac serial number from previous request and paste into new item created). Order number, order date and PO number are obtained from the cusoftware e-mail. Entry date and save item.
  9. Assign ticket to CSA Tech.
  10. CSA Tech will install software.
  11. Once software is installed, CSA Tech will close service request.
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Article ID: 183
Tue 11/7/23 10:32 AM
Fri 11/22/24 9:00 AM