Antivirus Software - Windows Defender


Antivirus/Anti-malware software helps keep the network clean and safe for all campus users.



Antivirus/Anti-malware software helps keep the network clean and safe for all campus users.  The Desktop Engineering team maintains the central antivirus service that provides updates and reporting for all the enterprise antivirus clients.  If you have a university-owned machine, it should already have this software loaded and configured for you.  The campus-wide antivirus solution for Creighton owned computers is Microsoft Defender.

If you have a personal device and would like to make sure it is protected, please see our list of recommended solutions for personal property below.

Get Started

If you believe a Creighton owned computer does not have current antivirus software, call the Service Desk at 402-280-1111.  Creighton does not provide antivirus software for personal (non-university owned) computers.  It is highly recommended that every computer be protected with antivirus.  Along with regular patching, security software is an important tool to preventing and containing malicious software.

How to get it

Currently, all Creighton faculty, student, or staff have access to Windows Defender. Creighton owned computers should arrive with the Creighton system image pre-installed with Windows Defender Endpoint Security already configured. Creighton does not provide antivirus software for personal (non-university owned) computers. It is highly recommended that every computer be protected with antivirus. Along with regular patching, security software is an important tool to preventing and containing malicious software.


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Article ID: 543
Tue 3/19/24 12:10 PM
Wed 6/5/24 3:06 PM

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