CHI Academic Network Cisco 7945 Phone Fix

Tags CHI Phones

Common Signs or Symptoms:

Cisco call logs not being updated.

Troubleshooting Steps:

This will fix call logs not being updated and allow 4 digits dialing from all CHIAcademic locations.

1.    Press Setting Button (Box with √).

2.    Press Option 2 – Network Configuration.

3.    Now select Option 1 – Ipv4 setup.

4.    Next Option 16 – Alternate TFTP.

5.    If locked, press **# to unlock.

6.    Choose Yes – 2nd button from the left below the display.

7.    Arrow down to and select 17 TFTP server 1.

8.    Next press Edit and enter
Press Validate.

9.    Now arrow down to 18 TFTP server 2 and select edit.

10.  Enter and press Validate.

11.  Now choose Save – 3rd button from the right below the display.

12.  If you unlocked the phone, press **# to lock.

13.  Press Exit.

14.  Choose Exit again.

15.  The phone will proceed to save the changes; this may take a couple of minutes.

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Article ID: 28
Thu 10/5/23 3:56 PM
Mon 6/17/24 8:00 AM