Add a Taxonomy Term to Drupal Vocabulary

Tags Web Drupal cms

Prerequisites / Minimum Requirements

  •       Access to Drupal
  •       Permissions to edit taxonomy on Drupal.

End State / Outcome

  • Drupal taxonomy term is created.
  • Drupal and its pages are behaving as expected.

How to Steps

Add a Taxonomy Term to Drupal Vocabulary

Structure->Taxonomy->List Terms


Login Procedure:

  1. Log into Drupal at
  2. Once you have finished defining the vocabulary, you may populate it with terms using Add. Add terms to a vocabulary by navigating to admin/structure/taxonomy/[your-vocabulary-name]/add. From there, Drupal will prompt for:

Term name (Required) -- The name for this term. Example: Technology.

Description (Optional) -- Description of the term (this item may be used by some modules and feeds).

Advanced options:

Parents (Optional): Select the term(s) under which this term is a subset.

Weight (Optional): The weight is used to sort the terms of this vocabulary; by default, they will be sorted alphabetically.

URL Alias (Optional, D7): Default is "/taxonomy/term/" but here you can specify an alias like term1 and the final URL will be /term1.


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Article ID: 368
Tue 12/12/23 2:37 PM
Wed 5/22/24 8:00 AM

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