Creating Vocabularies in Drupal

Tags Web Drupal cms

Prerequisites / Minimum Requirements

  • Access to Drupal
  • Permissions to create taxonomy on Drupal.

End State / Outcome

  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Drupal taxonomy vocabulary is created.
  • Drupal and its pages are behaving as expected.

How to Steps

1.  Log into Drupal at

Structure->Taxonomy->Add Vocabulary


In D7, Vocabularies are used to group, organize and, in many cases, categorize a set of taxonomy terms. Vocabularies are fieldable entities and are given a name and vocabulary id (vid) making it referenceable by other Drupal components. So, vocabularies can be thought of as parent or root containers for taxonomy terms. Creating a vocabulary can be as simple as assigning the container a name. You can, optionally, add fields (e.g., an image field, etc.) to your vocabulary at admin/structure/taxonomy/[your-vocabulary-name]/fields.


2.  To create a vocabulary in D7, go to admin/structure/taxonomy, then click Add Vocabulary. Drupal will prompt for:

  • Vocabulary name (Required) -- A name for this vocabulary, for example, Topics.
  • Description (Optional) -- A description of the vocabulary (this item may be used by some modules and feeds).



That's it, your vocabulary is created and waiting for you to add some terms to it. Other contributed modules like the Taxonomy Menu module may add additional configurable settings to the admin/structure/taxonomy/add page.


Note that D7 comes with an empty 'Tags' vocabulary already setup for you. The Tags vocabulary is a free-tagging vocabulary that will hold user created terms that are added to the Tags vocabulary when content is created or edited. This is generally accomplished by using a term reference field with an auto-complete widget on the content creation page.





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Article ID: 373
Tue 12/12/23 2:37 PM
Wed 5/22/24 8:00 AM

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