BlueQ Survey FAQs


Answers to dozens of questions can be found on the Qualtrics FAQs page , sorted into four main categories:

  • Survey Design
  • Distribution
  • Reporting
  • Miscellaneous


How do I get a user account for BlueQ?

All Creighton persons with an active netID may access BlueQ.  Go to and login with your netID and Blue password.


What do I use to log into BlueQ?
Login with your netID and Blue password at BlueQ.

What browsers are compatible with BlueQ?
Survey creators and participants are recommended to use the latest version of their browser of choice. The web browsers officially supported by Qualtrics are Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Internet Explorer.


How do I get help learning/using BlueQ?

  1. There are Help links available throughout the BlueQ application.
  2. The vendor has very good information available on their Qualtrics Helps/Tutorials site. (requires you to login to Qualtircs)


Can I import a survey that I have in Word or text file format? 

With all the hidden codes inside a Word file, it really is not an option for importing an existing survey into BlueQ.  It is possible to import a text file (.txt extension), but it has to be formatted very carefully. Generally, if you are creating surveys yourself or bringing a survey in from another survey platform, it is quicker and easier to simply recreate it in the new BlueQ.  But if you still want to pursue importing a text file, check these Qualtrics Tutorials. (requires you to login to Qualtrics)


How do I create a survey?
Once you login to BlueQ successfully, click on the Create Survey tab or click Create Survey  in the grey menu bar near the top of the display. There are three options available:

  • Quick Survey Builder
  • Create from Copy
  • Survey Library

Most users will likely elect Quick Survey Builder, but for more details on the steps for any of these options, check out these Qualtrics Tutorials. (requires you to login to Qualtrics)


What question types are available?
There are 18 primary question types available.  They include: Descriptive Text, Multiple Choice, Text Entry, Matrix Table, Slider, Graphic Slider, Rank Order, Pick Group and Rank, Hot Spot, Heat Map, Side by Side, Net Promoter Score, Gap Analysis, Drill Down, Constant Sum, File Upload, Timing, Meta Information, and Captcha Verification.  Check out this Qualtrics Tutorial for more information. (requires you to login to Qualtrics)


How do I create a question/item?
You may add, copy or delete a question/item while on the Edit Survey tab.

  • To add: click the green + Create a New Item icon.
  • To copy: click the purple + Copy Item From… icon.
  • To delete: click the item to activate it and then click the red “-“ on the far right of the item box.


How do I edit a question/item or a choice?
To edit a survey, go to the desired survey and click the Edit Survey tab. To edit: click the item to activate it and type in the desired changes. When you click the question/item, you have at least four main tools with which to make edits (tabs in the Edit window).  When you click an option, click the blue drop-down arrow to see the tools available for that option.


What logic, branching and randomization options are available?
In BlueQ, you can add logic to determine conditions for displaying a question, conditions for skipping questions and the ability to randomize the order of choices. To find out about these options and more, check these Qualtrics Tutorials. (requires you to login to Qualtrics)


How do I change the look and feel of my survey?
Creighton BlueQ users may select from several themes for the basic look of their survey. In addition, users can elect which buttons display, whether there’s a progress bar or not, change the font and colors for a survey, add a header or footer, or even change the CSS.  Check out these Qualtrics Tutorials (requires you to login to Qualtrics) to get the information you need.


Can I preview my survey while building it?
There are a couple ways to preview your survey.  If you are on the My Surveys tab, click the View option in the Tasks column.  Or if you are in the Edit Survey tab, click the Preview Survey option in the grey menu bar. Both options will open the survey in a new browser tab/window. The preview page will show both a larger computer version display and a smaller mobile device display.  


How can I test my survey?
When you preview a survey, you may also take the survey as if you were a respondent. This gives you the full experience and the opportunity to test logic, order, page breaks and the look of the survey. In addition, you can generate test results. Check out the Advanced Options page for more information.


Can I share a survey or collaborate with another user on a survey?
You may allow others using BlueQ to collaborate with you on a survey. The option to collaborate is in the Tasks menu of the My Surveys tab. There are several options for collaborators and permission levels. Check out these Qualtrics Tutorials for all the details. (requires you to login to Qualtrics)


How do I open (e.g. activate) a survey?
When you are satisfied your survey is ready to share, you may open or activate it and begin collecting responses/data. On the My Surveys tab, click the grey box just in front of the survey name (in the Active column). A green checkmark signifies your survey is active. Another option is to click  Activate Survey button on the Distribute Survey tab.


How do I distribute a survey?
The two main distribution options are:

  • Anonymous Survey Link – provides a basic link to your survey; anyone with access to this link may take/submit the survey
    • Select the Distribute Survey tab.
    • Click Survey Link in the grey menu bar.
    • If you survey is not yet activated, click the Activate your Survey…
    • Highlight the link that appears and copy/paste it into an email or web site.
  • Qualtrics Mailer – individual participants are contacted within BlueQ, allowing for customized invitations, survey completion tracking, reminders and reducing fraud and survey abuse.
    • Select the Distribute Survey tab.
    • Click Email Survey in the grey menu bar.
    • Select who you will send the survey to.
    • Select when to send your survey.
    • Create a message, including From, Reply-to, Subject and Message text.
    • Be sure to review ALL the options and instructions which are available in the Qualtrics Mailer tutorial.

For additional distribution options, check the Distributing section in Qualtrics Helps.


What mobile devices are supported for surveys?
Qualtrics supports iOS, Android and Windows phone systems and the major brands of tablets.  However, a few question types may require special attention to facilitate their formatting on mobile devices.  Find out more in these Qualtrics On Demand Tutorials. (requires you to login to Qualtrics)


Can I edit an active survey?
It is possible, but not recommended, to make edits to your survey after it is activated. You may make simple edits such as correcting typos or setting look/feel options. You should NOT expect to make changes that affect how data is stored, such as changing a question type, deleting a question or choice, or rearranging choices.  For more information, check out these Qualtrics On Demand Tutorials. (requires you to login to Qualtrics)


How do I close a survey?
To close or prevent respondents from accessing the survey, go to the Distribute Survey tab and click the red Close Survey button.


Can I close a survey after "n" respondents submit?
You may create a quota to track how many respondents meet a condition in a survey. The basic steps are:

  1. Create your Quota and give it a name.
  2. Set a Quota limit.
  3. Create the conditions for incrementing your Quota.
  4. Specify what action should take place once your Quota has been filled.

Check out this Qualtrics tutorial for specific details.


How do I view a survey report?
Click the View Results tab to access options for analyzing data. You can get a quick canned report of basic graphs and tables, which can be filtered and shared:

  1. Select the View Reports tab.
  2. Click Create a New Report.
  3. You may analyze and edit the report online.
  4. You may also share or download the report.


Can I share a survey report?
Yes – you have a two options for sharing a report created in BlueQ. You can publish your report to the web and share the URL/link publicly. Or you may collaborate on the reports for a given survey and share it with another others using BlueQ. Check these Qualtrics Tutorials for more details. (requires you to login to Qualtrics)


How do I export my data?
If you prefer to analyze the data outside of BlueQ, you may elect to export your data.

  1. Select the Reporting tab.
  2. Click Download Data.
  3. In the main window, select the File Format you prefer.
  4. Optionally, set other parameters as well (the default is to include all questions, all response records and answers recoded as values).
  5. Click the Download ___ Data button.

The data remains inside BlueQ, but you now have a copy to view/process as you wish.


How do I export my data with alpha responses instead of coded values?
If you wish to have original survey alpha responses instead of coded values:

  1. Select the Reporting tab.
  2. Click Download Data.
  3. In the main window, select the File Format you prefer.
  4. In the Data Representation area, select Choice Text.
  5. Optionally, set other parameters as well (the default is to include all questions and all response records).
  6. Click the Download ___ Data button.




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Article ID: 556
Fri 3/22/24 11:40 AM
Mon 9/9/24 8:00 AM

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