Steps to Update Cisco Phones Firmware

Prerequisites / Minimum Requirements

  •       Cisco IP phone

  •       Working network

End State / Outcome

  • Cisco phone with an updated firmware, possibly fixing random issues.

How to Steps

  1. Disconnect network cable, removing power to the phone.
  2. Press and HOLD the pound key (#)
  3. Plug in the network cable, providing power to the phone (while still hold the # key)
  4. Wait until the buttons flash and release the # key.
  5. Press the following keys in the listed order.
  • 123456789*0#
  1.        Wait until the phone is back up.
  •       If the firmware is updating you could see a long period with no status displayed, leave it alone, this could take 5-10 minutes.
  •       Eventually you will see the registering status.
  •       You could see a reboot of the phone and a second registering status screen before the phone is back up.
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Article ID: 62
Mon 10/16/23 6:15 PM
Mon 5/13/24 1:26 PM

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