How can I remove my old decal?


Any of the decals since 2018 that go on the front windshield can be easily peeled off without using a razor blade. A fingernail or something similar helps to lift the decal.

Older decals that were on the back of the vehicle will need a razor blade to be removed.

There is no reason to continue to display old decals. Please remove all old decals to avoid any driving visibility issues.

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Yes. Whether you are only parking in the evening, you are a student living on campus, a temporary employee, or a guest, you must have a permit that identifies you and your vehicle. A variety of permits are available to fit your needs.
View the parking maps for specifics on where to park.
Decals must be placed on the inside lower passenger corner of the windshield. These decals are repositionable and are able to move from vehicle to vehicle as needed. The decal must be adhered to the windshield by the manufacturer's adhesive.
Printed permits must be printed out and placed on the vehicle dash. Permits should be face up so that the permit number, plate number, and dates are visible. Do not fold permit to obstruct any part of needed information.