Stop or Change Sharing Permissions in OneDrive Files

End State / Outcome

Stop or Changing Sharing OneDrive Files

How to Steps

If you are the file owner, or have edit permissions, you can stop or change the sharing permissions in OneDrive.


1.    Go to the and sign in with your and Blue Password and then select OneDrive from the app launcher.

2.    Select the file or folder you want to stop sharing.

3.    Click the Information icon in the upper-right corner to open the Details pane.

4.    Select Manage access and:

  1. Select the X next to a link to disable it.
  2. Select Can Edit or Can View, and then select Stop Sharing.
  3. Select Can Edit or Can View and then select Change to….

 *Note: You can't change the permission of a sharing link from edit to view or from view to edit. The way around it is to delete your sharing link and create a new one with a different permission.



Further Resources:  Additional OneDrive help and training resources are located at

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This article contains steps for sharing a file or folder in OneDrive.