Viewing Files or Folders Shared with Me in OneDrive

End State / Outcome

After someone shares a file with you in OneDrive, that file will automatically appear in the Shared with Me list.

How to Steps


After you sign in with your NetID and Blue Password at and select OneDrive, here's how you see files or folders shared with you:


1. In the navigation pane, click Shared with me.


2. To sort or group the items by column, click a column and select an option from the drop-down list. For example, click the Date shared column and then select Older to newer or Group by Date shared.


3. To filter the items shown in the view, click the Filters icon above the list.


Further Resources:

Additional OneDrive help and training resources are located at


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Article ID: 174
Thu 10/26/23 2:47 PM
Wed 7/17/24 10:36 AM

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