Remotely Wipe mobile device

Prerequisites / Minimum Requirements

  • Ability to log in to OWA (Online Web Access)

End State / Outcome

  • Successfully clear Outlook, user specific or all data from mobile device.

How to Steps

  1. Log in to Outlook via
  2. Click Menu.
  3. Click Office365.
  4. Click Outlook from the apps available.
  5. Quickly click on upper right corner gear/cog and select Options.
    Note: this may be tricky with Office365 and may take several attempts to get the options field to appear as illustrated below.
  6. When options appear, in the left corner expand the General tab.
  7. Click Mobile Devices.
  8. Select which device you want to remotely wipe.

To wipe Outlook only

  • Click the minus icon to remove Outlook from the device.
  • Select Yes to remove Outlook.

To wipe only data related to this account:

  • Click the phone/erase icon and select Wipe only data related to this account which removes organization data and leaves installed apps, photos and personal information on your mobile device.

To wipe all data:

  • Click the phone/eraser icon and select Wipe all data which, according to Microsoft, will delete all data on a user’s mobile device, including installed apps, photos and personal information. Once the wipe is complete, the device is restored to factory settings.


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Article ID: 311
Tue 11/7/23 9:33 AM
Wed 10/16/24 10:36 AM