Who can park in signed parking stalls?


No student or employee may park in any visitor stall or other signed stalls.



No student or employee may park in any visitor stall or other signed stalls. Stalls in lots 35 are always reserved for visitors with no exceptions. This includes evening, weekends, and breaks. The Admission visitor stalls in lot 5 utilizes bags that signify that they can be utilized by employees and students only when covered. Otherwise, those stalls are for Admissions visitors whether there is a name on the sign or not.

There are for exclusive visitor stall in lot 5 on the north west corner by the stairs. These stalls utilize cones, chains, and signs. Additional bags are placed  with the words " No Parking Tow Away Zone" and will be enforced as such.

University Vehicle Signs are for facilities, security, and other University-owned vehicles only for official use.

All Dean, VP, Special Permit, Handicap, Jesuit and other signed areas are off limits at all times except for those with proper permits or permissions.



Article ID: 894
Wed 12/18/24 1:40 PM
Mon 1/6/25 10:32 AM

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Yes. Whether you are only parking in the evening, you are a student living on campus, a temporary employee, or a guest, you must have a permit that identifies you and your vehicle. A variety of permits are available to fit your needs.
Yes, you are responsible for any and all citations acquired by your vehicle regardless of who is driving the vehicle or when the citation occurred.
All Creighton affiliates can acquire a permit through JayPark.

Employees and Students may only purchase a permit by logging into JayPark with their Creighton SSO. Employees and student should not create a guest account unless specifically instructed otherwise by Parking Services.
All garages require the physical decal and the permit holder will have access to their assigned garage on their JayCards. Students whose cards are not working should submit a ticket.
Where can I park with a garage decal?
From 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. the vehicle must be parked in the assigned garage, parked in a any permit lot, or parked off campus property.
View the parking maps for specifics on where to park.
Various ways to pay for citations through JayPark.
Electric vehicle charging stations are located throughout the Omaha-metro area, with some stations right next to campus. Check out sites such as ChargePoint, ChargeHub and the Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) for more information.
This article provides the physical location of Parking Services.
Your physical citation will include your violation type and any notes that the enforcement officer felt were necessary to include. The citations are also viewable by logging into your JayPark account. You can search by plate number of citation number on JayPark as well. Time stamped images are included in the citation and are viewable at anytime on JayPark.
Here you can also view specific citation types and fees.