Do I need to pay my citations?


Yes, you are responsible for any and all citations acquired by your vehicle regardless of who is driving the vehicle or when the citation occurred. If a friend, sibling, or roommate parks your vehicle in such a manner it receives a citations your will need to pay the citations and settle an reimbursement with the party who caused the citation.

Parking Services utilizes many industry standard resources to identify owners/drivers of vehicles including, but not limited to DMV records and the immobilizing of vehicles.

Do parking citations really matter?

Yes, ignoring citations, failing to properly register your vehicle, or using deceitful acts to avoid identification could result immobilization, escalated citations, referral to Student Conduct, Supervisors/Managers, or Human Resources.

Student found with an outstanding balance will be placed on registration hold. This mean the student will not be able to register for classes or receive their diploma until the balance is paid in full.

Nuisance violators are defined as those who have received 5 or more citations in an academic year(August-July) regardless of whether the citations are paid. Students, employees, and non-affiliates can all be classified as nuisance violators. Nuisance violators may be subject to immobilization or potentially towed for every subsequent violation regardless of payment.

Parking Services uses Young's Towing to tow violating vehicles from campus. The owner/driver is responsible for all towing and impound fees. To retrieve your vehicle you can call Young’s Towing 402.393.7900. Paying to retrieve your vehicle does not have any bearing on the status of outstanding citations.

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