How do I pay a parking citation?


All citations can be paid with a credit/debit card through JayPark. We accept all major credit cards. You can pay one or more citations at a time. Please do not purchase permits in the same transactions as paying for citations.

Affiliates with a Creighton SSO (not parent account): The best practice is to log into your JayPark account and verify all vehicles are accurate. You will then select "Citations". From there you should see all citations associated with your account.

Guests and Contractor:  You will need to log into you Guest user account in JayPark or Sign Up, make sure all vehicle are in JayPark. From there you will select "Citations". You will see all citations associated with your account.

Parents: The best practice is for the student to pay the citations through their JayPark account, but if that is unable to happen parents can pay by typing in the citation number or plate/state (no spaces of special characters) on the main page.

Errors: If encountering errors with payment first verify that your have entered the correct address and zip code associated with the billing address of the credit/debit card. If the is correct confirm that your bank or credit card company is not flagging it as fraud. If neither of these are the issue please submit a ticket for Parking Services to review your case by contacting *1111.

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No student or employee may park in any visitor stall or other signed stalls.
Your physical citation will include your violation type and any notes that the enforcement officer felt were necessary to include. The citations are also viewable by logging into your JayPark account. You can search by plate number of citation number on JayPark as well. Time stamped images are included in the citation and are viewable at anytime on JayPark.
Here you can also view specific citation types and fees.