Why did I get a citation and what are the types of violations?

Your physical citation will include your violation type and any notes that the enforcement officer felt were necessary to include. The citations are also viewable by logging into your JayPark account. You can search by plate number of citation number on JayPark as well. Time stamped images are included in the citation and are viewable at anytime on JayPark.

Your first minor violation for an academic year(August-July) is no cost. This citation is not appealable. Other warning citations may be given out at the discretion of Parking Services and should be taken seriously. If a warning is received action must be taken. A warning citation should include notes on what changes should be made to prevent citations.

Below are the types of violations and the fees associated.





 Minor Violations

No Valid Permit

 Not purchasing and/or
 properly displaying a
 current valid permit or

 1st offense: $0
 2nd offense: $30
 3rd or more: $50

 Unauthorized Lot

 Parking in a lot authorized
 to your decal/permit

 Unauthorized Area

 Parking on hashmarks, no
 parking zone, grass,
 blocking sidewalk, ect.


 Fire lane or Drive Lane

 Parked in a fire lane or a
 drive lane

 1st offense: $50
 2nd offense: $75
 3rd or more: $100

 Reserved Stall

Dean’s stall, university vehicle only, Jesuit, residence life, visitor, or blocked off area

 Electric Vehicle

 Parked too long in stall,
 not actively charging, no
 permit, non-ev parked in
 EV, plugged into an outlet

 Major Violations


 No state-issued handicap 
 placard displayed

 1st offense: $150
 2nd offense: $300
 3rd or more: $500

 Fraudulent or Stolen     

 Any attempt to reproduce
 a permit, to use a stolen
 permit, or to use a permit
 reported as lost


  • Add-On Violations
    • False Pretense — Placing an old citation on windshield to avoid citation or other deceitful acts to avoid identification or citation; $50, in addition to base citation  
    • Boot Fee — Used to identify an unregistered vehicle’s owner/driver or applied to vehicle waiting for a tow truck; $50, in addition to base citation  
    • Tow — Nuisance violators (those who have receive 5 or more citations in an academic year); vehicle may be immobilized and assessed a boot fee to enable to towing of a vehicle. All costs of towing and impounding to be paid by the owner/driver  
    • Banned — Parking on campus after losing campus parking privileges; $100, in addition to base citation and towing costs
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You can submit an appeal through JayPark that will be review and voted on by the Appeals Review Panel.
View the parking maps for specifics on where to park.
Various ways to pay for citations through JayPark.
No student or employee may park in any visitor stall or other signed stalls.

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