Setting Up or Changing a Mailman List


• How do I include a short description of my list?

  1. On the [General Options] page, scroll down to A terse phrase identifying this list and enter your short description.
  2. Next scroll to bottom and click Submit.

• Can I have more than one list owner or moderator?

  1. Yes. On the [General Options] page, scroll down to The list administrator email addresses (the second entry box down). Enter the email addresses, one per line.
  2. Don't forget to share the list password with these trusted individuals. Remember, they have complete rights to your list.
  3. If you only wish for them to approve postings and subscription requests, then put their email addresses in the box below that one marked The list moderator email addresses. If you choose this option, you will also have to create a moderator password.
  4. After entering and submitting the moderator address(es), choose [Passwords] from the list and enter (and re-enter for verification) a moderator password that is different from your owner password.
  5. Don't forget to share the moderator password with your moderators.

• Can I change multiple options at once?

If all of your changes are on one page of options, you can make as many changes as you like before scrolling to the bottom of the page and pressing Submit.

• How do I change the maximum message size?

  1. On the [General Options] page, scroll down to Maximum length in kilobytes (KB) of a message body. If your list is just short email messages back and forth between subscribers, you will probably not need to change this as 40 will probably work just fine.
  2. We recommend that you leave this option as it is until you are required to approve a message to your list that was deemed too large (reason and size are included for all email that requires approval). You can then adjust your number accordingly. Generally speaking, if you have to increase it to 120 or greater, perhaps the large files should live on a webpage and the message merely include a link to it.

• Can I change the list owner myself?

  1. Yes, just as you would add additional owners as described above in Can I have more than one list owner?,
  2. Just replace your address with the new list owner address and make sure you share the list password with them.

NOTE: At least ONE of the list owner addresses MUST be an address! This is needed for IT to a have Microsoft Defender provide spam/virus filtering on all email emanating from Mailman lists at Creighton.  If the list DOES NOT have a Creighton owner or has NO OWNER at all, the list will be deleted and is not recoverable.

• How do I change the Reply-To for my list so that replies are sent to the sender of the message?

  1. On the [General Options] page, scroll down to Where are replies to list messages directed? If you wish replies to go to the entire list, choose This List.
  2. If you prefer for the replies to go back to the originator of the message, choose Poster.


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Article ID: 531
Mon 3/11/24 4:15 PM
Mon 8/5/24 2:54 PM

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