Electronic messages, information sharing, productivity, and collaboration suites used for interactions between individuals and work groups. Such as email, calendaring, etc.

Articles (54)

Add a shared mailbox to Outlook

Add a shared mailbox to Outlook.

Adding a Delegate Outlook 2016 for Mac

Add a delegate Outlook 2016 for Mac.

Adding a Shared Mailbox to the From Field in Outlook

This article provides steps for adding a shared mailbox in the From field on an Outlook email.

Adding and Additional Outlook Mailbox - Mac

Instructions for adding a shared/resource mailbox in Outlook for Mac.

Adding Email on Android Phone

This article describes the steps for adding your Outlook email account to an Android Phone

Changing Conversation Clean Up Outlook Options

Changing Conversation Clean Up Outlook Options

Changing Permissions for an Outlook Delegate

Change permissions for a delegate in Outlook.

Creating a Rule to Forward Calendar Invitations from CU Outlook to Common Spirit's Google Calendar

Creating a rule to forward calendar invites from CU Outlook to Common Spirit’s Google calendar.

Creating an Outlook rule using existing templates in Outlook 2016

How to create an Outlook rule using existing templates in Outlook 2016.

Delaying the Delivery of All Outlook Messages

​​​​​​​Delaying the Delivery of All Outlook Messages

Deleting an Outlook Rule

How to Delete an Outlook Rule.

Editing a Rule in Outlook in 2016

How to edit a rule in Outlook in 2016.

Email Account Migration for MAC

Instructions for moving email from old to new accounts in Outlook for MAC.

Filtering Junk Email in Outlook on a PC

This article provides brief instructions on how to train your email on junk email.

How do I allow posting from non-subscribers on a Mailman list?

This article provides guidance for Mailman list owners to change their list to accept postings from non-subscribers.

How do I Subscibe to or Unsubscribe from a Mailman List?

This article provides brief instruction for subscribing or unsubscribing to a Creighton Mailman Listserv.

How Do I Turn on Moderation or Emergency Moderation on a Mailman List?

This article provides steps for setting a Mailman list to have moderation.

How Long is a Mailman List Archive Retained?

Mailman list archive retention policy.

How to Close or Delete a Mailman List

This article provides guidance on closing or deleting an Mailman list.

How to create a new or custom Outlook rule in Outlook 2016

How to create a new or custom Outlook rule in Outlook 2016.

How to create a rule from a message in Outlook 2016

How to create a rule from a message in Outlook 2016

How to Embed a PDF in an Email

Process for including PDF information in the body of an email varies depending upon the platform you use as well as the type of information you want to copy.

How to fix Google Chrome Black Screen Issues in Windows 10

How to fix Google Chrome Black Screen Issues in Windows 10

How to Send a Meeting Request in Outlook

If you have an Office 365 or other Microsoft Exchange-based email service, use Outlook on the web to share your calendar with people inside or outside your organization. Depending on the permission you give them, they can view your calendar, edit it, or act as your delegate for meeting requests.

How to Setup Outlook Auto Reply Text Message

When you go on vacation, setting up an out of office message reply for incoming emails is an easy way to avoid your inbox without leaving people in the dark as to why you haven’t responded.

Ignore All Email Messages in an Outlook Conversation

Ignore All Email Messages in an Outlook Conversation

Mailman FAQs - List Member

Mailman FAQs for a list member.

Mailman List Owner Receiving Too Many Recipients Messages

This article provides guidance for Mailman list owners who are receiving a message that the has too many recipients.

Mailman List Owner: Subscribing and Unsubscribing

This article provides instructions on subscribing and unsubscribing users from your Mailman listserv.

Mailman List Owner: What do I do if I forgot the list owner password?

This article provides instructions for how to reset the list owner password for mailman listservs.

Mailman Mailing Lists - How to Subscribe to or Create a List

See how you can either subscribe to a Mailman list or how to request a new mailing list.

Make Someone My Delegate in Outlook 2016

How to make someone my delegate in Outlook 2016.

Mark a message as read or unread on Outlook 2016

Mark a message as read or unread on Outlook 2016.

Merging Mail with a Shared Mailbox

This article provides instructions on how to do a mail merge using a shared Outlook mailbox.

Migrating Your Outlook Account PC & MAC

Instructions for moving email from old to new accounts in Outlook for Apple, PC, and OWA.

Redirecting Children's Hospital emails to a Creighton University email account

How to set up a rule in Outlook online to redirect Children’s Hospital email to a Creighton email mailbox.

Removing Redundant Messages with Outlook Conversation Clean-up

Removing Redundant Messages with Outlook Conversation Clean-up

Replying to Mail Sent to a Shared Outlook Mailbox

​​​​​​​Reply to the mail sent to the shared mailbox.

Request files from OneDrive

Requesting files from OneDrive.

Requesting Outlook Read Receipts and Delivery Notifications

Adding / Requesting Outlook Read Receipts and Delivery Notifications

Secure Email - Manually Setting Secure Delivery

This article discusses how to manually set secure delivery with an email.

Send mail from a shared mailbox

Send mail from a shared mailbox.

Sending Automatic Out of Office Replies from Outlook

Sending Automatic Out of Office Replies from Outlook

Sending Delayed or Scheduled Outlook Email Messages

Sending Delayed or Scheduled Outlook Email Messages

Setting Up or Changing a Mailman List

This article provides best practice for Mailman list setting.

Share Outlook Inbox Subfolder with Users

Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully share a subfolder in Outlook with a colleague. This process enhances collaboration within your team by selectively sharing email content.

Shared Mailbox Not Updating

How to fix a shared mailbox that is not auto-updating.

Sharing Your Calendar Outside the Organization Using Outlook Web App (OWA)

Share Your Calendar Outside the Organization Using Outlook Web App (OWA)

Sharing Your Office 365 Calendar with Another User

This article provides the steps to share your Outlook calendar using the Outlook web app.

Turning off Outlook Notifications in Windows 10

This article provides the steps to turn off your Outlook notifications in Windows 10.

Unable to open links in Outlook

How to open links in Outlook.

Understanding Outlook Calendar Invitation Responses

This article explains the best practice for Outlook calendar response options.

Using a Shared Calendar in Outlook

How to use a shared calendar in Outlook.

What can I do about spam on my Mailman list?

This article provides guidance for Mailman list owners to prevent spam on their lists.