Mailman List Owner Receiving Too Many Recipients Messages

Common Signs or Symptoms:

  • I have to approve Mailman list messages that say Too many recipients to the message.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. The message Too many recipients to the message can be caused by a setting on the Admin page for the list under:
  •   -=> [Privacy options]
  •     -=> [Recipient filters]
  1. The default ceiling on acceptable number of recipients for a posting is set to 10. Try changing this to a larger number (say 20 or whatever number you think you need to allow).  Setting this to zero will turn the check off, but this is not advised.
  2. As always, scroll down and click Submit after making changes.


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Article ID: 617
Wed 5/29/24 11:44 AM
Wed 5/29/24 1:14 PM

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