How Do I Turn on Moderation or Emergency Moderation on a Mailman List?

Prerequisites / Minimum Requirements

  • Owner access to a Mailman listserv

How to Steps

Mailman allows various types of moderation, depending on your needs as listowner. Remember that all email from moderated addresses will need to be approved by you, but this is easily done via the Tend to pending moderator requests page which can be easily reached from the list administration pages and from the emails sent to the list owner alerting of messages requiring approval.

Individual moderation

  • Go to [Membership Management], then [Membership List] and check the box in the mod column next to the address(es) you wish moderated.

Emergency moderation
There may be a time when you wish to suppress the free flow of messages to your list due to a flame war or other circumstances. By turning on moderation temporarily, you can then choose which messages to send out to your list.

  • Go to [Membership Management], then [Membership List] and down just below the Submit button is an option for Set everyone's moderation bit. Set to On and click Set. You may then wish to remove moderation from yourself by following the Individual moderation instructions (above) in reverse.

 Complete list moderation

  • If your list already has subscribers on it, first follow the instructions for Emergency moderation above.
  • Then go to [Privacy Options] and click [Sender Filters]. Then check By default, should new list member postings be moderated? (member_moderation_action) to Yes.
  • Next go down and click Submit Your Changes



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Article ID: 614
Wed 5/29/24 11:03 AM
Mon 8/5/24 2:54 PM

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