What is JayPark and how do I use it? (Parking Services)


What is JayPark?

  • JayPark is the parking system that Parking Services uses to manage all permits, waitlists, and citations on Omaha's campus and the permits for Phoenix.

How do I log in to JayPark?

  • Students and and Employees must log in with their Creighton SSO. This will give them the correct permit and payment options.
  • Parent accounts are not available.
  • Sponsored guests, contractors, and visitors will need to sign up and create a guest account.

What information do I put on my account?

  • All drivers must register all vehicles being driven to campus. Failure to register the vehicle with the proper make, model, color, plate number, and state affiliation could result in fines, immobilization, towing, or referral to Student Conduct, Human Resources, and/or your Manager/Supervisor.
    • If a plate changes a new vehicle must be added. Vehicles, once in the system, cannot be altered.
  • All phone numbers and addresses must be up to date

How to edit my information?

  • Log in and select Manage Account, from there a edits can be made to addresses, emails, phone numbers, and vehicles.

How do I view what permit I bought?

  • Log in and select Permits. Form there you can see any and all active permits.

What is a wait list?

  • Garage Permits are awarded by randomized lottery. In order to receive the opportunity to purchase a garage permit you must add yourself to a waitlist. Students and Employees should only list themselves on their appropriate wait list. Listing on a wait list that you are not qualified for could result in the revoking of a garage permit.
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All Creighton affiliates can acquire a permit through JayPark.

Employees and Students may only purchase a permit by logging into JayPark with their Creighton SSO. Employees and student should not create a guest account unless specifically instructed otherwise by Parking Services.
You can submit an appeal through JayPark that will be review and voted on by the Appeals Review Panel.
Various ways to pay for citations through JayPark.