Architecture, installation, and operation of network connectivity (cabling, routers, firewalls). Includes network security, and authentication. VPN, CU Wireless, EduRoam, etc.

Articles (4)

Gaming Consoles

The Division of Information Technology (IT) has solutions add your gaming console to the campus network.

Infoblox Network Registration

Infoblox is Creighton's current network registration service.

Unable to connect to VPN with Century Link

This article describes an error with a Century Link modem in connecting to Creighton's VPN and the steps to rectify the situation.

What is Eduroam and how do I access it?

Eduroam enables you to use your Creighton NetID and Blue Password to obtain wireless access to the internet at participating institutions around the world. Students and colleagues from participating institutions can enjoy the same benefit when visiting Creighton.