No student or employee may park in any visitor stall or other signed stalls. Stalls in lots 35 are always reserved for visitors with no exceptions. This includes evening, weekends, and breaks. The Admission visitor stalls in lot 5 utilizes bags that signify that they can be utilized by employees and students only when covered. Otherwise, those stalls are for Admissions visitors whether there is a name on the sign or not.
There are for exclusive visitor stall in lot 5 on the north west corner by the stairs. These stalls utilize cones, chains, and signs. Additional bags are placed with the words " No Parking Tow Away Zone" and will be enforced as such.
University Vehicle Signs are for facilities, security, and other University-owned vehicles only for official use.
All Dean, VP, Special Permit, Handicap, Jesuit and other signed areas are off limits at all times except for those with proper permits or permissions.