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- Knowledge Base
- Parking & Transportation
- Omaha Campus Parking
Parking Rules, Regulations, and Enforcement
- Knowledge Base
- Parking & Transportation
- JayPark
Yes, you are responsible for any and all citations acquired by your vehicle regardless of who is driving the vehicle or when the citation occurred.
- Knowledge Base
- Parking & Transportation
- JayPark
You can submit an appeal through JayPark that will be review and voted on by the Appeals Review Panel.
- Knowledge Base
- Parking & Transportation
- JayPark
Your physical citation will include your violation type and any notes that the enforcement officer felt were necessary to include. The citations are also viewable by logging into your JayPark account. You can search by plate number of citation number on JayPark as well. Time stamped images are included in the citation and are viewable at anytime on JayPark.
Here you can also view specific citation types and fees.
- Knowledge Base
- Parking & Transportation
- JayPark
Various ways to pay for citations through JayPark.
- Knowledge Base
- Parking & Transportation
- JayPark
Students with outstanding balances may be placed on registrations hold. This hold can prevent registering for classes and even receiving diplomas.